New e-commerce experience for KFC — Case study
Goal: New e-commerce, conversion rate optimization
Industry: Food Delivery, E-commerce
Platform: Desktop&Mobile
Client: KFC Poland
Project background
Full KFC e-commerce redesign is a very demanding challenge. This solution is used by hundreds of thousands of people, and the e-commerce itself is a very important part of KFC’s revenue in Poland.
It has more than 60% mobile users so we knew we have to focus on mobile-first approach. While preparing for designing such solution we had to bare in mind existing processes and technical drawbacks of the engine stirring the food ordering platform. The scale of the task got even greater when the business goals aimed at having a running redesigned website within 2,5 month. Finally we have designed over 250 screens for desktop and mobile.
We started the project with an extensive discovery phase. Thanks to that, we realized in what direction the whole project should go to achieve the goals set with the Client.
- Interviews with stakeholders
- Gathering quality information — Fullstory
- Gathering quantity information — Google Analytics
- Expert Audit
- Usage survey of the existing version
- Preparation of project principles
Mobile first
Gathered information from stakeholders, quantity and quality data showed unequivocally that the most important re-design element is the mobile version.
- Over 60% of users are mobile
- Strategic key growth direction for Amrest.
- Almost 100% of conversion difference between mobile and desktop
Problems of the old solution
1.Going through the products
In the old version, users could not view the products altogether. During our expert audit and fullstory analysis we observed that users scroll constantly from top to bottom. Our solution for products feed is comparable to Facebook or Instagram feed. To make it even more user-friendly, there is a sticky navigation that is always accessible to users.
2. How do buckets differ?
In the old version, users wasted a lot of time comparing offered buckets. It was very complicated. They had to really focus and read carefully descriptions of the buckets to make such a comparison. It was somewhat easy to do on desktop but on mobile — it was close to impossible. We decided to make a radical change: we showed components of each bucket visually, so the users can easily compare offered buckets and most importantly — make a quick decision.
3. What is Zinger?
In the old version, users could have a problem if they didn’t know KFC menu very well. The user can have a problem while navigating and understanding what the sandwich holds inside. What is really zinger?
While designing a new solution we have realized that the current KFC menu has 150 products and we need a much better system to show the sub-categories and products themselves. We have decided to show big product packshots.
4. How to order sauces?
Old menu is too little descriptive in comparison to what KFC shows in their restaurants. Additionally the users could have a problem with finding products which were hidden in the second level of the navigation.
Project’s principles
Making and accepting a list of project principles at the very beginning helps to make decisions further in the design process.
- The user can see all the products by scrolling
- The user can quickly navigate the website not knowing the KFC menu very well
- The user can compare similar products (like buckets).
- The user can quickly discover what is the part of each set ( i.e. what are Hot Wings).
- We increase the number of places where we can do product upsell (the current website does not have the visual presentation of products in the navigation)
Upsell approach
1. Upsell of a single product
Upsell when showing a single product. Potential due to visual comparison with the product above and below. We would like to capitalize differences between complete sets and single products. We would like the user to add to a single order a simple product — like additional fries to zinger.
2. Product exchange
The desire to exchange products is the perfect opportunity to upsell. Potential due to the goal the user wants to implement, i.e. add/replace the product. Element of exchanging a product is one of the best upselling moments. The user is open to suggestions how differently he can construct his customized set.
3. Upsell in a pop-up
We want to keep the existing upsell popup, but convert it in such a way that the conversion is even higher. On the existing website there is a pop -up which after adding to the basket informs the user that you can add-on products.
What is interesting, realistically the products which we show in the pop-up are CHEAPER! In the approach before the re-design this option is invisible to the user. In the interviews with the hard — users of the website it turned out that they were also unaware that these products were cheaper!
4. Upsell in the basket
We designed an upsell in the basket. It’s task is to sell more little products such as drinks, sauces and other add-ons.
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